Author Archives: rosicel

side table

I have been working on a side table for a while.  I was having no luck with the base.  I knew I wanted it to be metal but everything I came across was either too big, bulky or too tall.  Well, my luck change when I found this old sewing machine base.

before coating

before coating

after coating

after coating

I like the rusty look but it was flaking too much so I applied a clear coating that helps control further rust.

20140818_162558The final product after some tweaking to attach the base to the top. I couldn’t be happier with the result.

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gala dress #2

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So, again I had an excuse to make a new dress.  This particular one I love.  I saw this fabric two years ago and fell in love with the texture and color; since I didn’t know what to do with it I decided to buy only 2 yards.  It became a challenge to make this dress.  I had to be very careful, any mistake and I was done. So I crossed my fingers, carefully draped the pattern and cut.  It worked out for the best!

This is how it looks on me. Oh yes! I added pockets 🙂

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new purpose


Remember the walls I was plastering?, well I have been painting them and trimming the door frames and wall openings; so I ended up with a few leftover pieces of wood frame from that project.  It occurred to me that I could use those pieces to frame a couple of mirrors, so I did.



I decided to give them a bit up old finish look to go with the other pieces I will put in the room.


I took these photos with my phone, I am sorry for the poor quality.  Once the room is put together I will have better ones. Enjoy! 🙂

new look

A while ago I posted this chair before & after.  This is one of two chairs I found at the bargain prize of $30 each. I refinished them and gave them new cushions.  They still look good but needed a lighter look.  The fabric I originally chose is a bit dark for the room.  So I got my sewing machine and started the project.

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I decided to go lighter and solid, this way I could use prints on the accent cushion covers and change them as I please.  I love changing the house decor constantly and changing just the covers will be a lot easier.

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This is the new look.  The after photos show the 2nd chair which is a rocking chair.  They both are very comfortable.  It will be hard to replaced them.  I am happy with the way they turned out 🙂



Our foyer and den have been under construction for quite a while.  The reasons range between not being in the budget, to the arrival of new baby, to there is not enough hours in a day.  Well, I had the idea that between baby naps I could get a stab at it and little by little it would get done.  So, I decided to plaster.

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My respect to plastering professionals has grown tremendously.  Plastering is hard!  It takes a lot of practice to get it right.  It is not just putting mud and taping; it is the sanding.  Oh the sanding!  I had to do a lot of that to get the walls smooth.  And just when I thought it was perfect and I primed the walls for painting it wasn’t.  I had to put more mud, do more sanding, and use a lamp for a closer look.


I got better!

My advise for you is take your time and use a light to look for those imperfections.  Trust me, they are there.

this is not a door

I have been working on my office nook .  I already added cabinets top and bottom, but needed the top surface for the desk.  I wanted it to be wood but the nook is not very deep and I would have to get a custom fit piece for the area.  I didn’t want to spend too much on it, so I decided to take a different approach.  I bought a door, trim and stain.  The result: a  fabulous desk top for less than $30.




